Sunday, October 01, 2006

Rorschak in knitwear.

The thing in the center is suppose to be an animal. The desciption by some yahoo on Ebay said it was an alligator. Obviously, this guy has never seen The Crocodile Hunter, unless it is a croc doing a front leg stand of some sort.

I would like to think that the reddish detail around the circle is writing, much like Lord of the Rings, where it gives a clue to some treasure somewhere. Only there are Flying Monkey's to get passed and then some biker gang protecting a meth lab.


Trillian42 said...

Alligator? I'm pretty sure that's a (really badly done) bird...

dancingbarefoot said...

Yeah, looks like a poorly rendered raven to me.

Lori said...

I'm trying REALLY REALLY hard to look like I'm working here. Stop with the making me laugh and splurt coffee everywhere! Seriously.