You Knit What? blog is no longer. I thought I would pick up the torch of posting really hideous knits that some deranged knitters out there have conceived, labored and given birth too. Giving reasons of just why there need to be some laws
I found this sweater on Ebay, surprisingly, there are no bids on it. It looks like Rainbow Brite and some LSD got it on for the creation of this monstrosity.
How cool is that!!! It would almost be worth buying just to embarrass my kids!!! Or also to see how many people say "gee, I like your sweater."
I agree! This would be a wonderful addition to any mother's Humiliate My Children clothing.
Ummm… it… uh… literally renders me speechless.
It is sad, really, that someone did that. Truth be told, hedious projects and some yarns themselves make me feel like I am going to throw up. It is an actual physical reaction.
This one is pretty bad. You're right, there should be laws.
Woohoo! The fug is back.
It is sad how much time and skill it took to make that catastrophe. They must have thought they were really making something great.
Super fug! While I admire the skill, I too say egad...
What? No link to the auction? How am I supposed to buy it?
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